Oracle 1Z0-061 - Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals - Online Practice Test

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The best way to prepare for 1Z0-061 exam is not reading a text book, but taking 1Z0-061 vce exam and understanding the correct answers. Practice questions help prepare students for not only the concepts, but also the manner in which questions and answer options are presented during the real exam. provides not only actual Oracle 1Z0-061 practice test, but also detailed answers, explanations and diagrams. Having authentic and current exam questions, will you pass your test on the first try!

15 tips on 1z0 061 practice test

Q1. View the Exhibit and examine the structures of the employees and departments tables. You want to update the employees table as follows: -Update only those employees who work in Boston or Seattle (locations 2900 and 2700). -Set department_id for these employees to the department_id corresponding to London (location_id 2100). -Set the employees' salary in iocation_id 2100 to 1.1 times the average salary of…

Where to find 1z0 061 dumps

Q1. You want to create a table employees in which the values of columns EMPLOYEES_ID and LOGIN_ID must be unique and not null. Which two SQL statements would create the required table? A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D E. Option E F. Option F View AnswerAnswer: D,E Q2. View the Exhibit and examine the data in the promotions table. PROMO_BEGIN_DATE is stored in…

Questions Ask for oracle 1z0 061

Q1. Examine the structure of the orders table: You want to find the total value of all the orders for each year and issue the following command: Which statement is true regarding the outcome? A. It executes successfully and gives the correct output. B. It gives an error because the TO_CHAR function is not valid. C. It executes successfully but does not give the correct…

Beginners Guide: 1z0 061 practice test

Q1. Examine the structure of the transactions table: You want to display the date, time, and transaction amount of transactions that where done before 12 noon. The value zero should be displayed for transactions where the transaction amount has not been entered. Which query gives the required result? A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D View AnswerAnswer: B Q2. Examine the structure of…

The Only Tip You Need: oracle database 12c sql fundamentals 1z0 061 pdf free download

Q1. Evaluate the following query: What would be the outcome of the above query? A. It produces an error because flower braces have been used. B. It produces an error because the data types are not matching. C. It executes successfully and introduces an 's at the end of each PROMO_NAME in the output. D. It executes successfully and displays the literal "{'s start date…

Quick Guide: 1z0 061 dumps pdf

Q1. Which create table statement is valid? A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D View AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: PRIMARY KEY Constraint A PRIMARY KEY constraint creates a primary key for the table. Only one primary key can be created for each table. The PRIMARY KEY constraint is a column or a set of columns that uniquely identifies each row in a table.…

What to do with 1z0 061 dumps pdf

Q1. You want to create a sales table with the following column specifications and data types: SALESID: Number STOREID: Number ITEMID: Number QTY: Number, should be set to 1 when no value is specified SLSDATE: Date, should be set to current date when no value is specified PAYMENT: Characters up to 30 characters, should be set to CASH when no value…

Quick Guide: 1z0 061 dumps

Q1. You need to list the employees in DEPARTMENT_ID 30 in a single row, ordered by HIRE_DATE. Examine the sample output: Which query will provide the required output? A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D View AnswerAnswer: B Reference: Q2. Evaluate the following SQL statement: Which statement is true regarding the above query if one of the values generated by the subquery is null? A.…

What to do with 1z0 061 pdf

Q1. View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the customers table. Using the customers table, you need to generate a report that shows an increase in the credit limit by 15% for all customers. Customers whose credit limit has not been entered should have the message "Not Available" displayed. Which SQL statement would produce the required result? A. Option A B. Option B C.…