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Exam Code: 1z0-900 (Practice Exam Latest Test Questions VCE PDF)
Exam Name: Java EE 7 Application Developer
Certification Provider: Oracle
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You face a supply request exception due to some reason. You realize that you need to make some changes to the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page.
Which action will you perform?
- A. The supply request cannot be update
- B. The only way is to resolve the error in the source application and resubmit the request.
- C. The supply request can be updated using a third-party application only.
- D. Update the supply request and submit i
- E. The errors will be resolved automatically.
- F. Update the supply request and make sure errors are resolved before resubmitting it.
Answer: A
Which two features are provided by the JSTL Core library for a JSP? (Choose two.)
- A. iteration over a collection
- B. buffering of large result sets
- C. testing conditions
- D. message localization
Answer: AD
As part of implementing Oracle Cloud for your customer, you defined multiple Business Units. The customer wants you to define an Inventory Organization that is associated with all the business units and not just one particular business unit.
How do you achieve this?
- A. Define the Inventory Organization without associating it with any location.
- B. Leave the Management Business Unit field blank in the Inventory Organization definition.
- C. Leave the Profit Center Business Unit field blank in the Inventory Organization definition.
- D. It is not possible to define an Inventory Organization that is associated with more than one business unit.
Answer: D
A supply request has been received in supply chain orchestration. Both organizations belong to the same legal entity and they do not have a buy-sell relationship between them.
Which type of execution document can fulfill the supply request?
- A. Transfer Order
- B. Purchase Requisitions
- C. Purchase Order
- D. Sales Order
Answer: A
Which annotation do you use on line 1 to ensure that clients immediately time out when attempting to concurrently invoke callMethod () while another client is already accessing the bean?
- A. @AccessTimeout (value = 1, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
- B. @AccessTimeout (null)
- C. @AccessTimeout (-1)
- D. @AccessTimeout (0)
Answer: D
Which two options constitute the rights and responsibilities of a legal Entity?
- A. Account for themselves to regulations, taxation authorities, and owners according to rules specified in the relevant legislation
- B. Facilitate resource allocation
- C. Manage warehouses
- D. Create opportunities for new business
- E. Own property
Answer: AE
Given the set of navigation rules:
Which two define a valid flow of view IDs through the application? (Choose two.)
- A. home > goodbye > list-widgets
- B. dashboard > home > add-widget > list-widgets
- C. list-widgets > add-widget > home > dashboard > home
- D. home > list-widgets > add-widget > goodbye
Answer: CD
Which execution document is created by supply chain orchestration when a make request is received?
- A. Transfer Order
- B. Work Order
- C. Routing Create
- D. Movement Request
- E. Purchase Order
Answer: B
For an Item to be enabled for back-to-back order process, which attribute do you need to set?
- A. Item attribute: Allow purchase orders off of sales orders
- B. Organization attribute: Allow Back to Back Processing
- C. Organization attribute: Allow Reservations
- D. Item attribute: Back-To-Back Enabled
- E. Item attribute: Reservations Enabled
Answer: D
Which statement is true about the relationship between HTTP and WebSockets?
- A. A WebSocket connection is a bi-directional HTTP session with message-handling support.
- B. A WebSocket connection is initialized with an HTTP handshake.
- C. A WebSocket connection can be initialized by either client or server.
- D. A WebSocket connection uses HTTP protocol to exchange data with the browser.
Answer: D
A shipment has not yet been created for a pick that you are running. How is the due date calculated?
- A. request date from the order line
- B. schedule ship date from the order line
- C. promise date from the order line
- D. system date
- E. earliest acceptable date from the order line
Answer: B
Given the code fragments:
What code should you add to the body of the updateEmployee method in order to save pending changes to the database?
- A. entityManager.merge(emp);
- B. Contex
- C. Ctx = new InitialContext();UserTransaction utx = (UserTransaction)ctx.lookup(“java:comp/UserTransaction”);utx.begin();entityManager.merge(emp);utx.c entityManager.lock(emp);EntityManager.merge(emp);
- D. entityManager.getTransaction().begin();entityManager.merge(emp);entityManager.getTransaction().comm
Answer: B
Give the code fragment:
And the code fragment:
The sendConfirmation() and reserve() methods should be executed in the same transactional context. Which transaction attributes do you ensure this?
- A. Add annotations:@TransactionAttribute (TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) at line 2,@Transactional at line 9 and@TransactionAttribute ((TransactionAttributeType.MANDATORY) atline 12
- B. No additional annotations are required.
- C. Add annotations:@TransactionAttribute (TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) at line 2,@Transactional at line 9 and@TransactionAttribute ((TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) at line 12
- D. Add annotations:@TransactionAttribute (TransactionAttributeType.MANDATORY) at line 2,@Transactional at line 9 and@TransactionAttribute ((TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) at line 12
Answer: D
You are building the User Preferences page of an application. A user can change values, such as his or her name, password, address, company, and so on. These values are sent to a CDI backing bean via AJAX when the user tabs out of each field. However, the values must be retained in the CDI bean and stored in the database only when the user clicks the Save button.
Which two scopes will allow your CDI bean to retain its state while the user is interacting with the User Preferences page? (Choose two.)
- A. Dependent
- B. View
- C. Session
- D. Request
- E. Application
Answer: CD
When handling a JSF request, your application code decided to redirect the call to another URL by using HTTP redirect. Which action should you take to correctly complete the handling of the JSF life cycle?
- A. Set the immediate=“true” attribute on the command button that was used to perform this call.
- B. Invoke the dispatch() method on the ExternalContext object.
- C. Invoke the setCurrentPhaseId(RENDER_RESPONSE) method on the FacesContext object.
- D. Invoke the responseComplete() method on the FacesContext object.
Answer: C
While performing the task “Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet Task”, you mentioned that the legal entity country is the United States of America.
What will be the functional currency of the ledger you are defining?
- A. The system will ask the user to provide functional currency at the time of uploading the spreadsheet if it is not provided in the first place.
- B. The system will automatically pick “USD” as functional currency from the legal entity country.
- C. The system will pock the first available currency from the list of Values.
- D. It is mandatory to provide functional currency, because ledger cannot be defined without functional currenc
- E. The system will throw an error upon processing.
- F. It is mandatory to provide functional currency because ledger cannot be defined without functional currenc
- G. The system will throw an error upon upload of the spreadsheet because all required fields are not populated.
Answer: B
Given the JPQL code fragment:
Select pub.title, pub.author, pub.pages FROM Publisher pub
Which two clauses do you add to this JPQL query to retrieve only those books with between 500 and 750 total pages? (Choose two.)
- A. WHERE MIN(pages) >= 500 AND MAX(pages) <= 750
- B. WHERE pub.pages <= 500 OR pub.pages >= 750
- C. WHERE pub.pages BETWEEN 500 AND 750
- D. WHERE pub.pages <= 500 AND pub.pages >=750
Answer: AB
Which three replenishment count types are used for Periodic Automated Replenishment (PAR)?
- A. Order Economic Quantity (EQQ): Generates a replenishment request for the calculated quantities based on inventory policies to maintain the PAR quantity.
- B. Reorder Point: Generates a replenishment request for the order quantity based on days of cover for the item lead time.
- C. Order Quantity: Generates a replenishment request for the order quantity entered for the replenishment count.
- D. Order RAR: Generates a replenishment requisition for the RAR-level quantity.
- E. On-hand Quantity: Generates a replenishment requisition for the difference between the on-hand quantity and the RAR-level.
Answer: CDE
What three Key Performance Indicators are available in the Warehouse Operations Dashboard?
- A. Shipment Value
- B. Hit or Miss Accuracy
- C. Cycle Count
- D. Inventory Value
- E. Distributed Value
- F. Exact Matches Rate
Answer: BDF
Which three types of jurisdictions should be considered while designing the Enterprise Structure?
- A. Labor Jurisdiction
- B. Obligatory Jurisdiction
- C. Local Jurisdiction
- D. Income Tax Jurisdiction
- E. Transaction Tax Jurisdiction
- F. Identifying Jurisdiction
Answer: DEF
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