312-50 Premium Bundle

312-50 Premium Bundle

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures (CEHv6) Certification Exam

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EC-Council 312-50 Free Practice Questions

Q1. Which one of the following is defined as the process of distributing incorrect Internet Protocol (IP) addresses/names with the intent of diverting traffic? 

A. Network aliasing 

B. Domain Name Server (DNS) poisoning 

C. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 

D. Port scanning 

Answer: B

This reference is close to the one listed DNS poisoning is the correct answer. 

This is how DNS DOS attack can occur. If the actual DNS records are unattainable to the attacker for him to alter in this fashion, which they should be, the attacker can insert this data into the cache of there server instead of replacing the actual records, which is referred to as cache poisoning. 

Q2. Paula works as the primary help desk contact for her company. Paula has just received a call from a user reporting that his computer just displayed a Blue Screen of Death screen and he ca no longer work. Paula walks over to the user’s computer and sees the Blue Screen of Death screen. The user’s computer is running Windows XP, but the Blue screen looks like a familiar one that Paula had seen a Windows 2000 Computers periodically. 

The user said he stepped away from his computer for only 15 minutes and when he got back, the Blue Screen was there. Paula also noticed that the hard drive activity light was flashing meaning that the computer was processing some thing. Paula knew this should not be the case since the computer should be completely frozen during a Blue screen. She checks the network IDS live log entries and notices numerous nmap scan alerts. 

What is Paula seeing happen on this computer? 

A. Paula’s Network was scanned using FloppyScan 

B. Paula’s Netwrok was scanned using Dumpsec 

C. There was IRQ conflict in Paula’s PC 

D. Tool like Nessus will cause BSOD 

Answer: A

Explanation: Floppyscan is a dangerous hacking tool which can be used to portscan a system using a floppy disk Bootsup mini Linux Displays Blue screen of death screen Port scans the network using NMAP Send the results by e-mail to a remote server. 

Q3. You work as security technician at ABC.com. While doing web application testing, you might be required to look through multiple web pages online which can take a long time. Which of the processes listed below would be a more efficient way of doing this type of validation? 

A. Use mget to download all pages locally for further inspection. 

B. Use wget to download all pages locally for further inspection. 

C. Use get* to download all pages locally for further inspection. 

D. Use get() to download all pages locally for further inspection. 

Answer: B

Explanation: Wget is a utility used for mirroring websites, get* doesn’t work, as for the actual FTP command to work there needs to be a space between get and * (ie. get *), get(); is just bogus, that’s a C function that’s written 100% wrong. mget is a command used from “within” ftp itself, ruling out A. Which leaves B use wget, which is designed for mirroring and download files, especially web pages, if used with the –R option (ie. wget –R www.ABC.com) it could mirror a site, all expect protected portions of course. 

Note: GNU Wget is a free network utility to retrieve files from the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP and can be used to make mirrors of archives and home pages thus enabling work in the background, after having logged off. 

Q4. Fake Anti-Virus, is one of the most frequently encountered and persistent threats on the web. This malware uses social engineering to lure users into infected websites with a technique called Search Engine Optimization. 

Once the Fake AV is downloaded into the user's computer, the software will scare them into believing their system is infected with threats that do not really exist, and then push users to purchase services to clean up the non-existent threats. 

The Fake AntiVirus will continue to send these annoying and intrusive alerts until a payment is made. 

What is the risk of installing Fake AntiVirus? 

A. Victim's Operating System versions, services running and applications installed will be published on Blogs and Forums 

B. Victim's personally identifiable information such as billing address and credit card details, may be extracted and exploited by the attacker 

C. Once infected, the computer will be unable to boot and the Trojan will attempt to format the hard disk 

D. Denial of Service attack will be launched against the infected computer crashing other machines on the connected network 

Answer: B

Q5. What type of port scan is represented here. 

A. Stealth Scan 

B. Full Scan 

C. XMAS Scan 

D. FIN Scan 

Answer: A

Q6. How would you permanently wipe the data in the hard disk? 

A. wipe -fik /dev/hda1 

B. erase -fik /dev/hda1 

C. delete -fik /dev/hda1 

D. secdel -fik /dev/hda1 

Answer: A

Q7. An Evil Cracker is attempting to penetrate your private network security. To do this, he must not be seen by your IDS, as it may take action to stop him. What tool might he use to bypass the IDS? 

Select the best answer. 

A. Firewalk 

B. Manhunt 

C. Fragrouter 

D. Fragids 



Firewalking is a way to disguise a portscan. Thus, firewalking is not a tool, but a method of conducting a port scan in which it can be hidden from some firewalls. Synamtec Man-Hunt is an IDS, not a tool to evade an IDS. Fragrouter is a tool that can take IP traffic and fragment it into multiple pieces. There is a legitimate reason that fragmentation is done, but it is also a technique that can help an attacker to evade detection while Fragids is a made-up tool and does not exist. 

Q8. John has scanned the web server with NMAP. However, he could not gather enough information to help him identify the operating system running on the remote host accurately. 

What would you suggest to John to help identify the OS that is being used on the remote web server? 

A. Connect to the web server with a browser and look at the web page. 

B. Connect to the web server with an FTP client. 

C. Telnet to port 8080 on the web server and look at the default page code. 

D. Telnet to an open port and grab the banner. 

Answer: D

Explanation: Most people don’t care about changing the banners presented by applications listening to open ports and therefore you should get fairly accurate information when grabbing banners from open ports with, for example, a telnet application. 

Q9. Which tool/utility can help you extract the application layer data from each TCP connection from a log file into separate files? 

A. Snort 

B. argus 

C. TCPflow 

D. Tcpdump 

Answer: C

Explanation: Tcpflow is a program that captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections (flows), and stores the data in a way that is convenient for protocol analysis or debugging. A program like 'tcpdump' shows a summary of packets seen on the wire, but usually doesn't store the data that's actually being transmitted. In contrast, tcpflow reconstructs the actual data streams and stores each flow in a separate file for later analysis. 

Q10. How do you defend against Privilege Escalation? 

A. Use encryption to protect sensitive data 

B. Restrict the interactive logon privileges 

C. Run services as unprivileged accounts 

D. Allow security settings of IE to zero or Low 

E. Run users and applications on the least privileges 

Answer: ABCE

Q11. Bob has a good understanding of cryptography, having worked with it for many years. Cryptography is used to secure data from specific threats but it does not secure the data from the specific threats but it does no secure the application from coding errors. It can provide data privacy; integrity and enable strong authentication but it can’t mitigate programming errors. What is a good example of a programming error that Bob can use to explain to the management how encryption will not address all their security concerns? 

A. Bob can explain that using a weak key management technique is a form of programming error 

B. Bob can explain that using passwords to derive cryptographic keys is a form of a programming error 

C. Bob can explain that a buffer overflow is an example of programming error and it is a common mistake associated with poor programming technique 

D. Bob can explain that a random number generation can be used to derive cryptographic keys but it uses a weak seed value and this is a form of a programming error 

Answer: C

Explanation: In computer security and programming, a buffer overflow, or buffer overrun, is a programming error which may result in a memory access exception and program termination, or in the event of the user being malicious, a possible breach of system security. 

Q12. Spears Technology, Inc is a software development company located in Los Angeles, California. They reported a breach in security, stating that its “security defenses has been breached and exploited for 2 weeks by hackers. “The hackers had accessed and downloaded 90,000 address containing customer credit cards and password. Spears Technology found this attack to be so to law enforcement officials to protect their intellectual property. 

How did this attack occur? The intruder entered through an employees home machine, which was connected to Spears Technology, Inc’s corporate VPN network. The application called BEAST Trojan was used in the attack to open a “Back Door” allowing the hackers undetected access. The security breach was discovered when customers complained about the usage of their credit cards without their knowledge. 

The hackers were traced back to Beijing China through e-mail address evidence. The credit card information was sent to that same e-mail address. The passwords allowed the hackers to access Spears Technology’s network from a remote location, posing as employees. The intent of the attacker was to steal the source code for their VOIP system and “hold it hostage” from Spears Technology, Inc exchange for ransom. 

The hackers had intended on selling the stolen VOIP software source code to competitors. 

How would you prevent such attacks from occurring in the future at Spears Technology? 

A. Disable VPN access to all your employees from home machines 

B. Allow VPN access but replace the standard authentication with biometric authentication 

C. Replace the VPN access with dial-up modem access to the company’s network 

D. Enable 25 character complex password policy for employees to access the VPN network. 

Answer: A

Explanation: As long as there is a way in for employees through all security measures you can’t be secure because you never know what computer the employees use to access recourses at their workplace. 

Q13. In the context of Windows Security, what is a 'null' user? 

A. A user that has no skills 

B. An account that has been suspended by the admin 

C. A pseudo account that has no username and password 

D. A pseudo account that was created for security administration purpose 


Explanation: NULL sessions take advantage of “features” in the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol that exist primarily for trust relationships. You can establish a NULL session with a Windows host by logging on with a NULL user name and password. Using these NULL connections allows you to gather the following information from the host:* List of users and groups 

* List of machines * List of shares * Users and host SID' (Security Identifiers) 

NULL sessions exist in windows networking to allow: * Trusted domains to enumerate resources * 

Computers outside the domain to authenticate and enumerate users * The SYSTEM account to authenticate and enumerate resources 

NetBIOS NULL sessions are enabled by default in Windows NT and 2000. Windows XP and 2003 will allow anonymous enumeration of shares, but not SAM accounts. 

Q14. A Trojan horse is a destructive program that masquerades as a benign application. The software initially appears to perform a desirable function for the user prior to installation and/or execution, but in addition to the expected function steals information or harms the system. 

The challenge for an attacker is to send a convincing file attachment to the victim, which gets easily executed on the victim machine without raising any suspicion. Today's end users are quite knowledgeable about malwares and viruses. Instead of sending games and fun executables, Hackers today are quite successful in spreading the Trojans using Rogue security software. 

What is Rogue security software? 

A. A flash file extension to Firefox that gets automatically installed when a victim visits rogue software disabling websites 

B. A Fake AV program that claims to rid a computer of malware, but instead installs spyware or other malware onto the computer. This kind of software is known as rogue security software. 

C. A Fake AV program that claims to rid a computer of malware, but instead installs spyware or other malware onto the computer. This kind of software is known as rogue security software. 

D. A Fake AV program that claims to rid a computer of malware, but instead installs spyware or other malware onto the computer. This kind of software is known as rogue security software. 

E. Rogue security software is based on social engineering technique in which the attackers lures victim to visit spear phishing websites 

F. This software disables firewalls and establishes reverse connecting tunnel between the victim's machine and that of the attacker 

Answer: BCD

Q15. Which of the following best describes session key creation in SSL? 

A. It is created by the server after verifying theuser's identity 

B. It is created by the server upon connection by the client 

C. It is created by the client from the server's public key 

D. It is created by the client after verifying the server's identity 

Answer: D

Explanation: An SSL session always begins with an exchange of messages called the SSL handshake. The handshake allows the server to authenticate itself to the client using public-key techniques, then allows the client and the server to cooperate in the creation of symmetric keys used for rapid encryption, decryption, and tamper detection during the session that follows. Optionally, the handshake also allows the client to authenticate itself to the server.