312-50 Premium Bundle

312-50 Premium Bundle

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures (CEHv6) Certification Exam

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EC-Council 312-50 Free Practice Questions

Q1. The SNMP Read-Only Community String is like a password. The string is sent along with each SNMP Get-Request and allows (or denies) access to a device. Most network vendors ship their equipment with a default password of "public". This is the so-called "default public community string". How would you keep intruders from getting sensitive information regarding the network devices using SNMP? (Select 2 answers) 

A. Enable SNMPv3 which encrypts username/password authentication 

B. Use your company name as the public community string replacing the default 'public' 

C. Enable IP filtering to limit access to SNMP device 

D. The default configuration provided by device vendors is highly secure and you don't need to change anything 

Answer: AC

Q2. What is the proper response for a NULL scan if the port is open? 






F. No response 


Explanation: A NULL scan will have no response if the port is open. 

Q3. You may be able to identify the IP addresses and machine names for the firewall, and the names of internal mail servers by: 

A. Sending a mail message to a valid address on the target network, and examining the header information generated by the IMAP servers 

B. Examining the SMTP header information generated by using the –mx command parameter of DIG 

C. Examining the SMTP header information generated in response to an e-mail message sent to an invalid address 

D. Sending a mail message to an invalid address on the target network, and examining the header information generated by the POP servers 

Answer: C

Q4. Symmetric encryption algorithms are known to be fast but present great challenges on the key management side. Asymmetric encryption algorithms are slow but allow communication with a remote host without having to transfer a key out of band or in person. If we combine the strength of both crypto systems where we use the symmetric algorithm to encrypt the bulk of the data and then use the asymmetric encryption system to encrypt the symmetric key, what would this type of usage be known as? 

A. Symmetric system 

B. Combined system 

C. Hybrid system 

D. Asymmetric system 

Answer: C

Explanation: Because of the complexity of the underlying problems, most public-key algorithms involve operations such as modular multiplication and exponentiation, which are much more computationally expensive than the techniques used in most block ciphers, especially with typical key sizes. As a result, public-key cryptosystems are commonly "hybrid" systems, in which a fast symmetric-key encryption algorithm is used for the message itself, while the relevant symmetric key is sent with the message, but encrypted using a public-key algorithm. Similarly, hybrid signature schemes are often used, in which a cryptographic hash function is computed, and only the resulting hash is digitally signed. 

Q5. Bob waits near a secured door, holding a box. He waits until an employee walks up to the secured door and uses the special card in order to access the restricted area of the target company. Just as the employee opens the door, Bob walks up to the employee (still holding the box) and asks the employee to hold the door open so that he can enter. What is the best way to undermine the social engineering activity of tailgating? 

A. issue special cards to access secured doors at the company and provide a one-time only brief description of use of the special card 

B. to post a sign that states “no tailgating” next to the special card reader adjacent to the secured door 

C. setup a mock video camera next to the special card reader adjacent to the secured door 

D. to educate all of the employees of the company on best security practices on a recurring basis 

Answer: D

Explanation: Tailgating will not work in small company’s where everyone knows everyone, and neither will it work in very large companies where everyone is required to swipe a card to pass, but it’s a very simple and effective social engineering attack against mid-sized companies where it’s common for one employee not to know everyone. There is two ways of stop this attack either by buying expensive perimeter defense in form of gates that only let on employee pass at every swipe of a card or by educating every employee on a recurring basis. 

Q6. What is the disadvantage of an automated vulnerability assessment tool? 

A. Ineffective 

B. Slow C. Prone to false positives 

D. Prone to false negatives 

E. Noisy 


Explanation: Vulnerability assessment tools perform a good analysis of system vulnerabilities; however, they are noisy and will quickly trip IDS systems. 

Q7. What is SYSKEY # of bits used for encryption? 

A. 40 

B. 64 

C. 128 

D. 256 

Answer: C

Explanation: System Key hotfix is an optional feature which allows stronger encryption of SAM. Strong encryption protects private account information by encrypting the password data using a 128-bit cryptographically random key, known as a password encryption key. 

Q8. Which of the following is the best way an attacker can passively learn about technologies used in an organization? 

A. By sending web bugs to key personnel 

B. By webcrawling the organization web site 

C. By searching regional newspapers and job databases for skill sets technology hires need to possess in the organization 

D. By performing a port scan on the organization's web site 

Answer: C

Explanation: Note: Sending web bugs, webcrawling their site and port scanning are considered "active" attacks, the question asks "passive" 

Q9. Which programming language is NOT vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks? 

A. Java 

B. ActiveX 

C. C++ 

D. Assembly Language 

Answer: A

Explanation: Perl and Java has boundary checking, hence buffer overflows don't occur. On the other hand, Perl and Java don't offer access to the system that is as deep as some programs need. 

Topic 21, Cryptography 

Q10. You visit a website to retrieve the listing of a company's staff members. But you can not find it on the website. You know the listing was certainly present one year before. How can you retrieve information from the outdated website? 

A. Through Google searching cached files 

B. Through Archive.org 

C. Download the website and crawl it 

D. Visit customers' and prtners' websites 

Answer: B

Explanation: Archive.org mirrors websites and categorizes them by date and month depending on the crawl time. Archive.org dates back to 1996, Google is incorrect because the cache is only as recent as the latest crawl, the cache is over-written on each subsequent crawl. Download the website is incorrect because that's the same as what you see online. Visiting customer partners websites is just bogus. The answer is then Firmly, C, archive.org 

Q11. Jayden is a network administrator for her company. Jayden wants to prevent MAC spoofing on all the Cisco switches in the network. How can she accomplish this? 

A. Jayden can use the command: ip binding set. 

B. Jayden can use the command: no ip spoofing. 

C. She should use the command: no dhcp spoofing. 

D. She can use the command: ip dhcp snooping binding. 

Answer: D

Q12. Bank of Timbukut is a medium-sized, regional financial institution in Timbuktu. The bank has deployed a new Internet-accessible Web Application recently. Customers can access their account balances, transfer money between accounts, pay bills and conduct online financial business using a web browser. 

John Stevens is in charge of information security at Bank of Timbukut. After one month in production, several customers have complained about the Internet enabled banking application. Strangely, the account balances of many of the bank’s customers had been changed ! However, money hasn’t been removed from the bank, instead money was transferred between accounts. Given this attack profile, John Stevens reviewed the Web Application’s logs and found the following entries. 

What kind of attack did the Hacker attempt to carry out at the Bank? 

A. Brute Force attack in which the Hacker attempted guessing login ID and password from password cracking tools 

B. The Hacker used a generator module to pass results to the Web Server and exploited Web Application CGI vulnerability. 

C. The Hacker first attempted logins with suspected user names, then used SQL injection to gain access to valid login IDs 

D. The Hacker attempted Session Hijacking, in which the hacker opened an account with the bank, then logged in to receive a session ID, guessed the next ID and took over Jason’s session. 


Explanation: Typing things like ‘ or 1=1 – in the login field is evidence of a hacker trying out if the system is vulnerable to SQL injection. 

Topic 15, Hacking Wireless Networks 

Q13. ARP poisoning is achieved in _____ steps 

A. 1 

B. 2 

C. 3 

D. 4 

Answer: B

Explanation: The hacker begins by sending a malicious ARP "reply" (for which there was no previous request) to your router, associating his computer's MAC address with your IP Address. Now your router thinks the hacker's computer is your computer. Next, the hacker sends a malicious ARP reply to your computer, associating his MAC Address with the routers IP Address. Now your machine thinks the hacker's computer is your router. The hacker has now used ARP poisoning to accomplish a MitM attack. 

Q14. Matthew re-injects a captured wireless packet back onto the network. He does this hundreds of times within a second. The packet is correctly encrypted and Matthew assumes it is an ARP request packet. The wireless host responds with a stream of responses, all individually encrypted with different IVs. What is this attack most appropriately called? 

A. Spoof Attack 

B. Replay Attack 

C. Inject Attack 

D. Rebound Attack 

Answer: B

Explanation: A replay attack is a form of network attack in which a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed. This is carried out either by the originator or by an adversary who intercepts the data and retransmits it. 

Q15. Which of the following statements about a zone transfer correct?(Choose three. 

A. A zone transfer is accomplished with the DNS 

B. A zone transfer is accomplished with the nslookup service 

C. A zone transfer passes all zone information that a DNS server maintains 

D. A zone transfer passes all zone information that a nslookup server maintains 

E. A zone transfer can be prevented by blocking all inbound TCP port 53 connections 

F. Zone transfers cannot occur on the Internet 

Answer: ACE

Explanation: Securing DNS servers should be a priority of the organization. Hackers obtaining DNS information can discover a wealth of information about an organization. This information can be used to further exploit the network.