312-50 Premium Bundle

312-50 Premium Bundle

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures (CEHv6) Certification Exam

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EC-Council 312-50 Free Practice Questions

Q1. What is the problem with this ASP script (login.asp)? 


Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 

objConn.Open Application("WebUsersConnection") 

sSQL="SELECT * FROM Users where Username=? & Request("user") & _ 

"?and Password=? & Request("pwd") & "? 

Set RS = objConn.Execute(sSQL) 

If RS.EOF then Response.Redirect("login.asp?msg=Invalid Login") Else Session.Authorized = True 

Set RS = nothing 

Set objConn = nothing Response.Redirect("mainpage.asp") End If %> 

A. The ASP script is vulnerable to XSS attack 

B. The ASP script is vulnerable to SQL Injection attack 

C. The ASP script is vulnerable to Session Splice attack 

D. The ASP script is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting attack 

Answer: B

Q2. John is discussing security with Jane. Jane had mentioned to John earlier that she suspects an LKM has been installed on her server. She believes this is the reason that the server has been acting erratically lately. LKM stands for Loadable Kernel Module. 

What does this mean in the context of Linux Security? 

A. Loadable Kernel Modules are a mechanism for adding functionality to a file system without requiring a kernel recompilation. 

B. Loadable Kernel Modules are a mechanism for adding functionality to an operating-system kernel after it has been recompiled and the system rebooted. 

C. Loadable Kernel Modules are a mechanism for adding auditing to an operating-system kernel without requiring a kernel recompilation. 

D. Loadable Kernel Modules are a mechanism for adding functionality to an operating-system kernel without requiring a kernel recompilation. 

Answer: D

Explanation: Loadable Kernel Modules, or LKM, are object files that contain code to extend the running kernel, or so-called base kernel, without the need of a kernel recompilation. Operating systems other than Linux, such as BSD systems, also provide support for LKM's. However, the Linux kernel generally makes far greater and more versatile use of LKM's than other systems. LKM's are typically used to add support for new hardware, filesystems or for adding system calls. When the functionality provided by an LKM is no longer required, it can be unloaded, freeing memory. 

Q3. You are configuring the security options of your mail server and you would like to block certain file attachments to prevent viruses and malware from entering the users inbox. 

Which of the following file formats will you block? 

(Select up to 6) 

A. .txt 

B. .vbs 

C. .pif 

D. .jpg 

E. .gif 

F. .com 

G. .htm 

H. .rar 

I. .scr 

J. .exe 

Answer: BCEFIJ

Explanation: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/HP030850041033.aspx 

Q4. What type of port scan is shown below? 

A. Idle Scan 

B. Windows Scan 

C. XMAS Scan 

D. SYN Stealth Scan 

Answer: C

Explanation: An Xmas port scan is variant of TCP port scan. This type of scan tries to obtain information about the state of a target port by sending a packet which has multiple TCP flags set to 1 - "lit as an Xmas tree". The flags set for Xmas scan are FIN, URG and PSH. The purpose is to confuse and bypass simple firewalls. Some stateless firewalls only check against security policy those packets which have the SYN flag set (that is, packets that initiate connection according to the standards). Since Xmas scan packets are different, they can pass through these simple systems and reach the target host. 

Q5. Peter has been monitoring his IDS and sees that there are a huge number of ICMP Echo Reply packets that are being received on the External Gateway interface. Further inspection reveals they are not responses from internal hosts request but simply responses coming from the Internet. What could be the likely cause of this? 

A. Someone Spoofed Peter’s IP Address while doing a land attack 

B. Someone Spoofed Peter’s IP Address while doing a DoS attack 

C. Someone Spoofed Peter’s IP Address while doing a smurf Attack 

D. Someone Spoofed Peter’s IP address while doing a fraggle attack 


Explanation: An attacker sends forged ICMP echo packets to broadcast addresses of vulnerable networks with forged source address pointing to the target (victim) of the attack. All the systems on these networks reply to the victim with ICMP echo replies. This rapidly exhausts the bandwidth available to the target. 

Q6. What are the default passwords used by SNMP?(Choose two.) 

A. Password 

B. SA 

C. Private 

D. Administrator 

E. Public 

F. Blank 

Answer: CE

Explanation: Besides the fact that it passes information in clear text, SNMP also uses well-known passwords. Public and private are the default passwords used by SNMP. 

Q7. What is a NULL scan? 

A. A scan in which all flags are turned off 

B. A scan in which certain flags are off 

C. A scan in which all flags are on 

D. A scan in which the packet size is set to zero 

E. A scan with a illegal packet size 


Explanation: A null scan has all flags turned off. 

Q8. Jason works in the sales and marketing department for a very large advertising agency located in Atlanta. Jason is working on a very important marketing campaign for his company's largest client. Before the project could be completed and implemented, a competing advertising company comes out with the exact same marketing materials and advertising, thus rendering all the work done for Jason's client unusable. Jason is questioned about this and says he has no idea how all the material ended up in the hands of a competitor. 

Without any proof, Jason's company cannot do anything except move on. After working on another high profile client for about a month, all the marketing and sales material again ends up in the hands of another competitor and is released to the public before Jason's company can finish the project. Once again, Jason says that he had nothing to do with it and does not know how this could have happened. Jason is given leave with pay until they can figure out what is going on. 

Jason's supervisor decides to go through his email and finds a number of emails that were sent to the competitors that ended up with the marketing material. The only items in the emails were attached jpg files, but nothing else. Jason's supervisor opens the picture files, but cannot find anything out of the ordinary with them. 

What technique has Jason most likely used? 

A. Stealth Rootkit Technique 

B. Snow Hiding Technique 

C. ADS Streams Technique 

D. Image Steganography Technique 

Answer: D

Q9. Liza has forgotten her password to an online bookstore. The web application asks her to key in her email so that they can send her the password. Liza enters her email liza@yahoo.com'. The application displays server error. What is wrong with the web application? 

A. The email is not valid 

B. User input is not sanitized 

C. The web server may be down 

D. The ISP connection is not reliable 

Answer: B

Explanation: All input from web browsers, such as user data from HTML forms and cookies, must be stripped of special characters and HTML tags as described in the following CERT advisories: http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-1997-25.html http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2000-02.html 

Q10. What is the proper response for a NULL scan if the port is open? 






F. No response 


Explanation: A NULL scan will have no response if the port is open. 

Q11. What is the proper response for a NULL scan if the port is closed? 






F. No response 


Explanation: Closed ports respond to a NULL scan with a reset. 

Q12. In which part of OSI layer, ARP Poisoning occurs? 

A. Transport Layer 

B. Datalink Layer 

C. Physical Layer 

D. Application layer 

Answer: B

Q13. While footprinting a network, what port/service should you look for to attempt a zone transfer? 

A. 53 UDP 

B. 53 TCP 

C. 25 UDP 

D. 25 TCP 

E. 161 UDP 

F. 22 TCP 

G. 60 TCP 


Explanation: IF TCP port 53 is detected, the opportunity to attempt a zone transfer is there. 

Q14. You want to capture Facebook website traffic in Wireshark. What display filter should you use that shows all TCP packets that contain the word 'facebook'? 

A. display==facebook 

B. traffic.content==facebook 

C. tcp contains facebook 

D. list.display.facebook 

Answer: C

Q15. An Evil Cracker is attempting to penetrate your private network security. To do this, he must not be seen by your IDS, as it may take action to stop him. What tool might he use to bypass the IDS? 

Select the best answer. 

A. Firewalk 

B. Manhunt 

C. Fragrouter 

D. Fragids 



Firewalking is a way to disguise a portscan. Thus, firewalking is not a tool, but a method of conducting a port scan in which it can be hidden from some firewalls. Synamtec Man-Hunt is an IDS, not a tool to evade an IDS. Fragrouter is a tool that can take IP traffic and fragment it into multiple pieces. There is a legitimate reason that fragmentation is done, but it is also a technique that can help an attacker to evade detection while Fragids is a made-up tool and does not exist.