412-79v10 Premium Bundle

412-79v10 Premium Bundle

EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) V10 Certification Exam

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March 5, 2025Last update

EC-Council 412-79v10 Free Practice Questions

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Online 412-79v10 free questions and answers of New Version:

Which vulnerability assessment phase describes the scope of the assessment, identifies and ranks the critical assets, and creates proper information protection procedures such as effective planning, scheduling, coordination, and logistics?

  • A. Threat-Assessment Phase
  • B. Pre-Assessment Phase
  • C. Assessment Phase
  • D. Post-Assessment Phase

Answer: B

An attacker injects malicious query strings in user input fields to bypass web service authentication mechanisms and to access back-end databases. Which of the following attacks is this?

  • A. Frame Injection Attack
  • B. LDAP Injection Attack
  • C. XPath Injection Attack
  • D. SOAP Injection Attack

Answer: D

Identify the framework that comprises of five levels to guide agency assessment of their security programs and assist in prioritizing efforts for improvement:

  • A. Information System Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF)
  • B. Microsoft Internet Security Framework
  • C. Nortells Unified Security Framework
  • D. Federal Information Technology Security Assessment Framework

Answer: D

SQL injection attack consists of insertion or "injection" of either a partial or complete SQL query via the data input or transmitted from the client (browser) to the web application. A successful SQL injection attack can:
i) Read sensitive data from the database
iii) Modify database data (insert/update/delete)
iii) Execute administration operations on the database (such as shutdown the DBMS)
iV) Recover the content of a given file existing on the DBMS file system or write files into the file system
v) Issue commands to the operating system
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Pen tester needs to perform various tests to detect SQL injection vulnerability. He has to make a list of all input fields whose values could be used in crafting a SQL query, including the hidden fields of POST requests and then test them separately, trying to interfere with the query and to generate an error.
In which of the following tests is the source code of the application tested in a non-runtime environment to detect the SQL injection vulnerabilities?

  • A. Automated Testing
  • B. Function Testing
  • C. Dynamic Testing
  • D. Static Testing

Answer: D

Rules of Engagement (ROE) document provides certain rights and restriction to the test team for performing the test and helps testers to overcome legal, federal, and policy-related restrictions to use different penetration testing tools and techniques.
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What is the last step in preparing a Rules of Engagement (ROE) document?

  • A. Conduct a brainstorming session with top management and technical teams
  • B. Decide the desired depth for penetration testing
  • C. Conduct a brainstorming session with top management and technical teams
  • D. Have pre-contract discussions with different pen-testers

Answer: C

DNS information records provide important data about:

  • A. Phone and Fax Numbers
  • B. Location and Type of Servers
  • C. Agents Providing Service to Company Staff
  • D. New Customer

Answer: B

Which one of the following acts makes reputational risk of poor security a reality because it requires public disclosure of any security breach that involves personal information if it is unencrypted or if it is reasonably believed that the information has been acquired by an unauthorized person?

  • A. California SB 1386
  • B. Sarbanes-Oxley 2002
  • C. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
  • D. USA Patriot Act 2001

Answer: A

Which one of the following Snort logger mode commands is associated to run a binary log file through Snort in sniffer mode to dump the packets to the screen?

  • A. ./snort -dvr packet.log icmp
  • B. ./snort -dev -l ./log
  • C. ./snort -dv -r packet.log
  • D. ./snort -l ./log –b

Answer: C

An antenna is a device that is designed to transmit and receive the electromagnetic waves that are generally called radio waves. Which one of the following types of antenna is developed from waveguide technology?

  • A. Leaky Wave Antennas
  • B. Aperture Antennas
  • C. Reflector Antenna
  • D. Directional Antenna

Answer: B

A Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a computer host or small network inserted as a “neutral zone” between a company’s private network and the outside public network. Usage of a protocol within a DMZ environment is highly variable based on the specific needs of an organization.
Privilege escalation, system is compromised when the code runs under root credentials, and DoS attacks are the basic weakness of which one of the following Protocol?

  • A. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
  • B. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
  • C. Telnet
  • D. Secure Shell (SSH)

Answer: D

Which of the following methods is used to perform server discovery?

  • A. Banner Grabbing
  • B. Who is Lookup
  • C. SQL Injection
  • D. Session Hijacking

Answer: B

The Internet is a giant database where people store some of their most private information on the cloud, trusting that the service provider can keep it all safe. Trojans, Viruses, DoS attacks, website defacement, lost computers, accidental publishing, and more have all been sources of major leaks over the last 15 years.
412-79v10 dumps exhibit
What is the biggest source of data leaks in organizations today?

  • A. Weak passwords and lack of identity management
  • B. Insufficient IT security budget
  • C. Rogue employees and insider attacks
  • D. Vulnerabilities, risks, and threats facing Web sites

Answer: C

An external intrusion test and analysis identify security weaknesses and strengths of the client's systems and networks as they appear from outside the client's security perimeter, usually from the Internet.
The goal of an external intrusion test and analysis is to demonstrate the existence of known vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an external attacker.
412-79v10 dumps exhibit
During external penetration testing, which of the following scanning techniques allow you to determine a port’s state without making a full connection to the host?

  • A. XMAS Scan
  • B. SYN scan
  • C. FIN Scan
  • D. NULL Scan

Answer: B

What is the following command trying to accomplish?
412-79v10 dumps exhibit

  • A. Verify that NETBIOS is running for the network
  • B. Verify that TCP port 445 is open for the network
  • C. Verify that UDP port 445 is open for the network
  • D. Verify that UDP port 445 is closed for the networks

Answer: C

You work as a penetration tester for Hammond Security Consultants. You are currently working on a contract for the state government of California. Your next step is to initiate a DoS attack on their network. Why would you want to initiate a DoS attack on a system you are testing?

  • A. Use attack as a launching point to penetrate deeper into the network
  • B. Demonstrate that no system can be protected against DoS attacks
  • C. List weak points on their network
  • D. Show outdated equipment so it can be replaced

Answer: C

If a web application sends HTTP cookies as its method for transmitting session tokens, it may be vulnerable which of the following attacks?

  • A. Parameter tampering Attack
  • B. Sql injection attack
  • C. Session Hijacking
  • D. Cross-site request attack

Answer: D

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