Q1. In regard to DynamoDB, can I modify the index once it is created?
A. Yes, if it is a primary hash key index
B. Yes, if it is a Global secondary index
C. No
D. Yes, if it is a local secondary index
Answer: C
Currently, in DynamoDB, an index cannot be modified once it is created. Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/faqs/#security_anchor
Q2. You have been doing a lot of testing of your VPC Network by deliberately failing EC2 instances to test whether instances are failing over properly. Your customer who will be paying the AWS bill for all this asks you if he being charged for all these instances. You try to explain to him how the billing works on EC2 instances to the best of your knowledge. What would be an appropriate response to give to the customer
in regards to this?
A. Billing commences when Amazon EC2 AMI instance is completely up and billing ends as soon as the instance starts to shutdown.
B. Billing commences when Amazon EC2 initiates the boot sequence of an AMI instance and billing ends when the instance shuts down.
C. Billing only commences only after 1 hour of uptime and billing ends when the instance terminates.
D. Billing commences when Amazon EC2 initiates the boot sequence of an AMI instance and billing ends as soon as the instance starts to shutdown.
Answer: B
Billing commences when Amazon EC2 initiates the boot sequence of an AMI instance. Billing ends when the instance shuts down, which could occur through a web services command, by running "shutdown -h", or through instance failure.
Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/faqs/#BiIIing
Q3. When you use the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console to deploy a new application you’II need to upload a source bundle and it should .
A. Consist of a single .zip file
B. Consist of a single .war file
C. Consist of a single .zip file or .war file
D. Consist of a folder with all files
Answer: C
When you use the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console to deploy a new application or an application version, you’II need to upload a source bundle. Your source bundle must meet the following requirements: Consist of a single .zip file or .war file
Not exceed 512 MB
Not include a parent folder or top-level directory (subdirectories are fine) Reference:
Q4. You have been given a scope to deploy some AWS infrastructure for a large orgAMsation. The requirements are that you will have a lot of EC2 instances but may need to add more when the average utilization of your Amazon EC2 fileet is high and conversely remove them when CPU utilization is low. Which AWS services would be best to use to accomplish this?
A. Amazon CIoudFront, Amazon CIoudWatch and Elastic Load Balancing.
B. Auto Scaling, Amazon CIoudWatch and AWS CIoudTraiI.
C. Auto Scaling, Amazon CIoudWatch and Elastic Load Balancing.
D. Auto Scaling, Amazon CIoudWatch and AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Answer: C
Auto Scaling enables you to follow the demand curve for your applications closely, reducing the need to manually provision Amazon EC2 capacity in advance. For example, you can set a condition to add new Amazon EC2 instances in increments to the Auto Scaling group when the average utilization of your Amazon EC2 fileet is high; and similarly, you can set a condition to remove instances in the same increments when CPU utilization is low. If you have predictable load changes, you can set a schedule through Auto Scaling to plan your scaling actMties. You can use Amazon CIoudWatch to send alarms to trigger scaling actMties and Elastic Load Balancing to help distribute traffic to your instances within Auto Scaling groups. Auto Scaling enables you to run your Amazon EC2 fileet at optimal utilization. Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/autoscaIing/
Q5. How long are the messages kept on an SQS queue by default?
A. If a message is not read, it is never deleted
B. 2 weeks
C. 1 day
D. 4 days
Answer: D
The SQS message retention period is configurable and can be set anywhere from 1 minute to 2 weeks. The default is 4 days and once the message retention limit is reached your messages will be automatically deleted. The option for longer message retention provides greater filexibility to allow for longer intervals between message production and consumption.
Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/sqs/faqs/
Q6. A user is launching an AWS RDS instance with MySQL. The user wants to enable the Nlulti AZ feature. Which of the below mentioned parameters will not be allowed to configure by RDS?
A. Availability Zone
B. Region
C. DB subnet group
D. Database port
Answer: A
If the user is launching RDS with Multi AZ the user cannot provision the Availability Zone. RDS is launched automatically instead
Reference: https://console.aws.amazon.com/rds/
Q7. A user is planning to host a scalable dynamic web application on AWS. Which of the services may not be required by the user to achieve automated scalability?
A. CIoudWatch
B. S3
C. AutoScaIing
D. AWS EC2 instances
Answer: B
The user can achieve automated scaling by launching different EC2 instances and making them a part of an ELB. Cloudwatch will be used to monitor the resources and based on the scaling need it will trigger policies. AutoScaIing is then used to scale up or down the instances.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AutoScaIing/latest/DeveIoperGuide/\NhatIsAutoScaIing.htmI
Q8. A user is creating multiple IAM users. What advice should be given to him to enhance the security?
A. Grant least prMleges to the indMdual user
B. Grant all higher prMleges to the group
C. Grant less prMleges for user, but higher prMleges for the group
D. Grant more prMleges to the user, but least prMleges to the group
Answer: A
It is a recommended rule that the root user should grant the least prMleges to the IAM user or the group. The higher the prMleges, the more problems it can create.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/IAMBestPractices.htmI
Q9. When you use the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console to deploy a new application .
A. you’II need to upload each file separately
B. you’II need to create each file and path
C. you’II need to upload a source bundle
D. you’II need to create each file
Answer: C
When you use the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console to deploy a new application or an application version, you’II need to upload a source bundle.
Q10. A user has launched an EBS backed Linux instance. How can a user detach the root device and attach it to another instance as a secondary volume?
A. Unmount the root volume first and then detach it
B. It is not possible to mount the root volume to some other instance
C. Stop the first instance and then attach instance’s root volume as a new volume to the other instance
D. It is not possible to mount the root device as a secondary volume on the other instance
Answer: C
If an Amazon EBS volume is the root device of an instance, it cannot be detached unless the instance is in the stopped state.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-detaching-volume.html
Q11. In DynamoDB, the default table size is:
A. 5 GB
B. 1 GB
C. 10 GB
D. There is no table size
Answer: D
DynamoDB has seamless scalability with no table size limits and unlimited storage, so you shouIdn't be worried about managing storage on the host or to provisioning more drive, as your data requirement changes.
Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/
Q12. A user has attached an EBS volume to a running Linux instance as a "/dev/sdf" device. The user is unable to see the attached device when he runs the command "df -h". What is the possible reason for this?
A. The volume is not in the same AZ of the instance
B. The volume is not formatted
C. The volume is not attached as a root device
D. The volume is not mounted
Answer: D
When a user creates an EBS volume and attaches it as a device, it is required to mount the device. If the device/volume is not mounted it will not be available in the listing.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/AmazonEBS.htmI
Q13. An orgAMzation has enabled a strict password policy for its IAM users. The orgAMzation is taking help from the IAM console to set the password policy. Which of the below mentioned rules cannot be specified by the user as a part of the policy?
A. Allow at least one lower case letter
B. Allow at least one number
C. Allow at least one non-alphanumeric character
D. Do not allow the user to use the password from the last three passwords
Answer: D
AWS IAM allows an orgAMzation to create multiple users and provide them access to various AWS services. By default when the user is created, he does not have password enabled and can not login to AWS console. If the orgAMzation wants to allow the users to login to AWS console, they can enable password for each user. It is required that IAM users follow certain guidelines to set their IAM login password. For this IAM provides root account owner to setup passwrod policy. The password policy also lets the specify whether all IAM users can change their own passwords. As part of policy, orgAMzation can specify that passwords for IAM users must be of a certain minimum length, must include certain characters, and a few more criteria such as below.
One upper/ lower or both letters One alpha numeric
One number
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/|AM/Iatest/UserGuide/Using_ManagingPasswordPoIicies.htm|
Q14. A user wants to access RDS from an EC2 instance using IP addresses. Both RDS and EC2 are in the same region, but different AZs. Which of the below mentioned options help configure that the instance is accessed faster?
A. Configure the Private IP of the Instance in RDS security group
B. Security group of EC2 allowed in the RDS security group
C. Configuring the elastic IP of the instance in RDS security group
D. Configure the Public IP of the instance in RDS security group
Answer: A
If the user is going to specify an IP range in RDS security group, AWS recommends using the private IP address of the Amazon EC2 instance. This provides a more direct network route from the Amazon EC2 instance to the Amazon RDS DB instance, and does not incur network charges for the data sent outside of the Amazon network.
Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_WorkingWithSecurityGroups.html
Q15. A user is planning to make a mobile game which can be played online or offline and will be hosted on EC2.
The user wants to ensure that if someone breaks the highest score or they achieve some milestone they can inform all their colleagues through email. Which of the below mentioned AWS services helps achieve this goal?
A. AWS Simple Workflow Service.
B. AWS Simple Queue Service.
C. Amazon Cognito
D. AWS Simple Email Service.
Answer: D
Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a highly scalable and cost-effective email-sending service for businesses and developers. It integrates with other AWS services, making it easy to send emails from applications that are hosted on AWS.
Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/ses/faqs/