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The Review_c object have a lookup relationship to the job_Application_c object. The job_Application_c object has a master detail relationship up to the position_c object. The relationship is based on the auto populated defaults?
What is the recommended way to display field data from the related Review _C records a Visualforce page for a single Position_c record? Select one of the following:
- A. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and cross-object Formula Fields on the Job_Application_c object to display Review_c data.
- B. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and a Controller Extension to query for Review_c data.
- C. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and expression syntax in the Page to display related Review_c through the Job_Applicacion_c inject.
- D. Utilize the Standard Controller for Position_c and cross-object Formula Fields on the Review_c object to display Review_c data.
Answer: B
Universal Containers wants Opportunities to be locked from editing when reaching the Closed/Won stage. Which two strategies should a developer use to accomplish this? (Choose two.)
- A. Use a Visual Workflow.
- B. Use a validation rule.
- C. Use the Process Automation Settings.
- D. Use a Trigge
Answer: BD
How can a developer set up a debug log on a specific user?
- A. It is not possible to setup debug logs for users other than yourself.
- B. Ask the user for access to their account credentials, log in as the user and debug the issue.
- C. Create Apex code that logs code actions into a custom object.
- D. Set up a trace flag for the user, and define a logging level and time period for the trac
Answer: D
What are two correct examples of the model in the salesforce MVC architecture? Choose 2 answers.
- A. Custom field on the custom wizard_c object
- B. Standard lightning component
- C. Workflow rule on the contact object
- D. Standard account lookup on the contract object
Answer: BC
A Hierarchy Custom Setting stores a specific URL for each profile in Salesforce. Which statement can a developer use to retrieve the correct URL for the current user'sprofile and display this on a Visualforce Page?
- A. {!$Setup.Url_Settings C.Instance[Profile.Id].URL c}
- B. {!$Setup.Url_Settings C.URL c}
- C. {!$Setup.Url_Settings C.[Profile.Id].URL c}
- D. {!$Setup.Url_Settings C.[$Profile.Id].URL c}
Answer: B
A developer wants to create a custom object to track Customer Invoices.How should Invoices and Accounts be related to ensure that all Invoices are visible to everyone with access to an Account?
- A. The Account should have a Master-Detail relationship to the Invoice.
- B. The Invoice should have a Master-Detail relationship to the Account
- C. The Account should have a Lookup relationship to the Invoice
- D. The Invoice should have a Lookup relationship to the Account Previous
Answer: B
A company would like to send an offer letter to a candidate, have the candidate sign it electronically, and then send the letter back.What can a developer do to accomplish this?
- A. Create a visual workflow that will capture the candidate’s signature electronically
- B. Develop a Process Builder that will send the offer letter and allow the candidate to sign it electronically.
- C. Install a managed package that will allow the candidate to sign documents electronically
- D. Create an assignment rule that will assign the offer letter to the candidate
Answer: C
Which resource can be included in a Lightning Component bundle?Choose 2 answers
- A. Apex class
- B. Adobe Flash
- C. JavaScript
- D. Documentation
Answer: CD
What is the return data type when ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters() is used to retrieve URL parameters from a visualforce controller?
- A. Map
- B. List
- C. Enum
- D. String[]
Answer: A
A lead object has a custom field Prior_Email c. The following trigger is intended to copy the current Email into the Prior_Email c field any time the Email field is changed:
Which type of exception will this trigger cause?
- A. A null reference exception
- B. A compile time exception
- C. A DML exception
- D. A limit exception when doing a bulk update
Answer: C
What must the Controller for a Visualforce page utilize to override the Standard Opportunity view button?
- A. The StandardSetController to support related lists for pagination.
- B. The Opportunity StandardController for pre -built functionality.
- C. A callback constructor to reference the StandardController.
- D. A constructor that initializes a private Opportunity variabl
Answer: B
Which two number expression evaluate correctly? Choose 2 answers
- A. Integer I = 3.14159;
- B. Decimal D = 3.14159;
- C. Long I = 3.14159;
- D. Double D =3.14159;
Answer: BD
What can a Lightning Component contain in its resource bundle? Choose 2 answer
- A. Custom client side rendering behavior.
- B. Build scripts for minification
- C. Properties files with global settings
- D. CSS styles scoped to the component
Answer: AD
A candidate may apply to multiple jobs at the company Universal Containers by submtting a single application per job posting. Once an application is submitted for a job posting, that application cannot be modified to be resubmitted to a different job posting.What can the administrator do to associate an application with each job posting in the schema for the organization?
- A. Create a master-detail relationship in the Job Postings custom object to the Applications custom object.
- B. Create a master-detail relationship in the Application custom object to the Job Postings custom object.
- C. Create a lookup relationship on both objects to a junction object called Job Posting Applications.
- D. Create a lookup relationship in the Applications custom object to the Job Postings custom object
Answer: A
What is a capability of formula fields? (Choose 3)
- A. Generate a link using the HYPERLINK function to a specific record in a legacy system.
- B. Display the previous values for a field using the PRIORVALUE function.
- C. Return and display a field value from another object using the VLOOKUP function.
- D. Determine if a datetime field has passed using the NOW function.
- E. Determine which of three different images to display using the IF functio
Answer: ADE
The Sales Management team hires a new intern. The intern is not allowed to view Opportunities, but needs to see the Most Recent Closed Date of all child Opportunities when viewing an Account record. What would a developer do to meet this requirement?
- A. Create a trigger on the Account object that queries the Close Date of the most recent Opportunities.
- B. Create a Workflow rule on the Opportunity object that updates a field on the parent Account.
- C. Create a formula field on the Account object that performs a MAX on the Opportunity Close Date field.
- D. Create a roll-up summary field on the Account object that performs a MAX on the Opportunity Close Date fiel
Answer: D
A developer is asked to set a picklist field to ‘Monitor’ on any new Leads owned by a subnet of Users. How should the developer implement this request?
- A. Create an after insert Lead trigger.
- B. Create a before insert Lead trigger.
- C. Create a Lead Workflow Rule Field Update.
- D. Create a Lead formula fiel
Answer: C
What is the result of the following code block ?
Integer x = 1;Integer Y = 0;While(x < 10){Y++;}
- A. An error occurs
- B. Y = 9
- C. Y = 10
- D. X = 0
Answer: A
What is a benefit of using an after insert trigger over using a before insert trigger?
- A. An after insert trigger allows a developer to bypass validation rules when updating fields on the new record.
- B. An after insert trigger allows a developer to insert other objects that reference the new record.
- C. An after insert trigger allows a developer to make a callout to an external service.
- D. An after insert trigger allows a developer to modify fields in the new record without a query.
Answer: B
Which code segment can be used to control when the dowork() method is called?
- A. For (Trigger.isRunning t: Trigger.new) { dowork(); }
- B. If(Trigger.isRunning) dowork();
- C. For (Trigger.isInsert t: Trigger.new) { dowork(); }
- D. If(Trigger.isInsert) dowork();
Answer: D
When creating unit tests in Apex, which statement is accurate?Choose 2
- A. Unit tests with multiple methods result in all methods failing every time one method fails.
- B. Increased test coverage requires large test classes with many lines of code in one method.
- C. Triggers do not require any unit tests in order to deploy them from sandbox to production.
- D. System Assert statements that do not Increase code coverage contribute important feedback in unit tests
Answer: BD
For which three items can a trace flag be configured? (Choose three.)
- A. Apex Trigger
- B. Apex Class
- C. Process Builder
- D. User
- E. Visualforce
Answer: ABD
A developer in a Salesforce org with 100 Accounts executes the following code using the Developer console: Account myAccount = new Account(Name = 'MyAccount');Insert myAccount;For (Integer x = 0; x < 250; x++)
{Account newAccount = new Account (Name='MyAccount' + x);try {Insert newAccount;}catch (Exception ex)
{System.debug (ex) ;}}insert new Account (Name='myAccount'); How many accounts are in the org after this code is run?
Answer: B
Which trigger event allows a developer to update fields in the Trigger.new list without using an additional DML statement?Choose 2 answers
- A. Before insert
- B. Before update
- C. After update
- D. After insert
Answer: AB
What is an accurate statement about variable scope? (Choose 3)
- A. Parallel blocks can use the same variable name.
- B. A variable can be defined at any point in a block.
- C. Sub-blocks cannot reuse a parent block's variable name.
- D. Sub-blocks can reuse a parent block's variable name if it's value is null.
- E. A static variable can restrict the scope to the current block of its value is nul
Answer: ABC
How should a developer make sure that a child record on a custom object, with a lookup to the Account object, has the same sharing access as its associated account?
- A. Create a Sharing Rule comparing the custom object owner to the account owner.
- B. Create a validation rule on the custom object comparing the record owners on both records.
- C. Include the sharing related list on the custom object page layout.
- D. Ensure that the relationship between the objects is Master-Detai
Answer: D
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